+910-I'M DANTO (910-463-2686)
Here's how we can help drive your success.

Analysis From Experience
We have designed, installed, repaired, operated and trained on more brands and styles of collaboration technology than most people have ever heard of, and worked with more collaboration platforms than still exist today.
We are available to unbox, assemble, test and evaluate systems and devices and detail their strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of enterprise users. A written report can be prepared and delivered along with a live presentation (in-person or over video) which details these aspects and highlights areas that could or should be improved upon, as well as areas where the products excel, all of which could or should be highlighted in customer marketing and outreach efforts. These efforts can be multiplied by using our on-line influence in recurring webcasts and/or podcasts, mentions in articles and blogs, showcasing them at in-person events, and creating whitepapers.
Connection To Real Users And Potential Customers
There is no greater value in the technology industry than actionable feedback from customers and potential customers.
We have assembled and led a number of end-user advisory boards for many organizations. These take the form of one-off meetings, recurring groups and/or conversations over meals at industry events. Not only have many organizations benefited from the introductions and rich feedback gathered, but past attendees have called these “the best part of the conference” as they also glean valuable information from industry peers. These efforts can improve awareness and market share of products and services, and often create ‘superfans’ that can be relied upon for case studies, references and testimonials.

Meet Key Customers And Influencers
Our team has a very rich and deep network of industry connections that include end-users, analysts, consultants, integrators and influencers.
We coordinate several of our own industry networking get-togethers every year. We can personally introduce your organization to the key individuals that you’d like to reach with your messaging, and add our brand’s credibility to yours.